Yoga brings us into a more conscious, honest, and loving relationship with Self, others, and the natural world.

Guided by love, Alana's presence and teaching allows for the space to pause, breathe, feel, and listen within.

With an interest in drawing awareness into the body through breath and sensation, she offers yoga classes that are accessible to people of all ages, bodies, and abilities.

Alana has been a dedicated practitioner of Yoga for over twenty years. She completed her training with Kira Sloane through Lulu Bandha's and has been teaching consistently for over a decade. Alana's teaching style has been influenced by so many seasoned yogis, including Erich Schiffmann, Kira Sloane, Ravi Ravindra, and Tias Little. One of her greatest teachers is the natural world.

Alana practices Yoga because keeps her honest, conscious, and invites a quality of ease and spaciousness into her relationships and everyday life. Alana is committed to a path of service and integrity, and aims to live a wild, wholehearted, authentic, and meaningful life.

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I remember my first very yoga class…

I was 15 years old. I had no idea what yoga was until my teacher Beverly said in savasana, "Bring your attention to your breath." In that moment I experienced an awakening—the realization that I could navigate this inner landscape consciously.

Yoga is breaking the bonds with suffering.
— Ravi Ravindra